Monday 23 March 2015

The Best Children’s Storybooks

The Great Zoo breakout that never happened - Stephenie Carter

Illustrated storybook
It’s an adventurous story of city zoo animals that plan to escape from the zoo as they believe that the grass would be greener outside the zoo. The curiosity to see the outside world leads a breakout in the zoo. What happens when the King of Beasts decides it’s time to escape from the City Zoo? Read this interesting children storybook about the zoo animals and enjoy the zoo ride.

How the Raccoon got its mask - Tina Ferry
Children book Illustration

It’s a story about a curious little girl, Tina, who asks her mother how the raccoon got its mask. Tina’s mother tells her to go to a nearby pond and ask the first raccoon, she comes across. Amazingly, Mr. Raccoon pops his head up and responds to Tina with a fantastic story that solves the mystery! In the delightful and entertaining tale, How the Raccoon got its mask, readers, young and old, will follow Mr. Raccoon’s engaging story so very well illustrated with anticipation and wonder.
Sammi’s Coat: The Adventures of Sammi Snake - Glenn A Trevethan
Book cover design

It’s a charming children’s story about an outback snake that goes off in search of his missing coat. After a relaxing nap high in the forest canopy, Sammi Snake discovers that he has lost his coat! Join Sammi and his good friend Kirsty Koala as they search high and low in the wattle tree forest for Sammi’s missing coat. Along the way they encounter a wily crocodile named Clarence who offers to help, but intends to have them for dinner! Can Sammi and Kirsty escape the hungry crocodile or is it too late? Find out what happens next ?
Rachel and Sammy Learn to Conserve - Jannifer Powelson

storybook illustration

It's one of the children’s book from the ‘Rachel Raccoon and Sammy Skunk Series’. It is the last day of school before summer vacation and the students have one last presentation to do after lunchtime before they are free for summer. Rachel, Sammy and the other students in their science class present their final conservation projects. Before Rachel presents her project on trees, the class discusses what conservation means. This is a great opening for the various projects that follow including conserving soil and water. As the class makes their presentations, the reader will learn right along with the class many valuable lessons with regard to the environment and conserving natural resources.

The Quest through the Stars - Donna Brooks
Children storybook illustration

It’s a children’s novella based on a little dragon named Flame, who is in search of his mother. This educational children’s book takes readers through the trials and tribulations the young dragon faces while on his journey through the constellations. There are creative references to the creation of Earth and the formation of the constellations and their relationship to one another. Flame’s journey through a wondrous and imaginative world is filled with friendly creatures that assist him in his search for his mother and his true identity. Children and parents alike will find the novella to be enlightening as well as engaging. The beautiful illustrations have turned the book into an excellent visual feed.
All the above listed children storybook not only entertain the reader with amazing illustration but also makes them to learn the values of friendship, love, courage, self-determination, etc. which will help them in their life. The storybook listed above features original illustrations by Kalpart.

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